Product FAQ
Kotex Soft® Herbal FAQs
Kotex Soft® Herbal FAQs
Will fragrances or the green colour in Kotex Soft® Herbal cause irritation?
All materials and fragrances found in our pads are safe for use. Our pads have passed clinical tests and are deemed safe for skin*.
Kotex Soft® Herbal’s soft anti-bacteria layer contains a blend of natural extracts such as chamomile and aloe vera. The green colour in our pads have been rigorously assessed and meet the safety standards of Kimberly-Clark.
Fragrances in our pads also meet the safety standards of both Kimberly-Clark and the International Fragrance Association (IFRA). However, for women who prefer fragrance-free products, we recommend our unscented pads in other Kotex ranges.
*If skin reaction occurs, please stop using the product immediately. If symptoms are severe, consult a dermatologist.
Kotex Soft® comes in a wide range. How are the pads different?
Kotex Soft® Herbal has a soft anti-bacteria layer that contains natural ingredients to help prevent bad bacteria growth, and provide both leakage and odour protection.
What is the shelf life/expiry date of these pads?
Our pads are good to go for 3 years from the date of production (found on the side of the pack).
How often should I change my pad?
Ultimately, this depends on your flow. For those with heavier flow, we recommend changing pads more often.
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Kimberly-Clark makes no warranties or representations regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information. This information should be used only as a guide and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional medical or other health professional advice.